Записи с меткой «Эбиониты »
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- Köstenberger A.J., Kruger M. The Heresy of Orthodoxy. How Contemporary Culture’s Fascination with Diversity Has Reshaped Our Understanding of Early Christianity [pdf]
- 1998 - Maccoby H. The Mythmaker. Paul and the Invention of Christianity [pdf]
- 2005 - A Companion to Second-Century Christian ‘Herecics’ [pdf]
- 2008 - González J.L., González C.G. Heretics for Armchair Theologians [pdf]
- 2008 - Ehrman B.D. Pietro Paolo e Maria Maddalena. Storia e leggenda dei primi seguaci di Gesu [pdf]
- 2008 - Ehrman B.D. Peter, Paul and Mary Magdalene. The Followers of Jesus in History and Legend [pdf]
- 2009 - Эрман Б.Д. Пётр, Павел и Мария Магдалина. Последователи Иисуса в истории и легендах [djvu] [fb2.zip] [pdf]