Библиотека Наг-Хаммади ,
I , Страница «A»
Текст :Молитва апостола Павла Издатель : Claremont Graduate University. Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, School of Religion.Дата :1976 Язык :Коптский Скачать : JPGПоддержать :
Source: Black and white negative, 3.875 x 5.25 inches: Institute for Antiquity and Christianity; Q-Series Negatives, negative no. 17
Published as, “I, 86” with an arrow pointing right and “I, A” with an arrow pointing up, in “The facsimile edition of the Nag Hammadi Codices [1] Codex I” Leiden: Brill, 1977, pages 90 and 3.