Материалы на английском языке

Гнозис / Исследования

  1. Neoplatonism and Gnosticism [pdf]
  2. Puech H.-Ch., Quispel G., van Unnik W.C. The Jung Codex. A Newly Recovered Gnostic Papyrus [pdf]
  3. 1887 - King C.W. The Gnostics And Their Remains, Ancient and Mediæval [pdf]
  4. 1904 - Drexel L.W., Grenfell B.P., Hunt A.S. New Sayings of Jesus and Fragment of a Lost Gospel from Oxyrhynchus [pdf]
  5. 1932 - Burkitt F.C. Church and Gnosis. A study of Christian thought and speculation in the Second Century [pdf]
  6. 1940 - Rylands L.G. The Beginnings of Gnostic Christianity [pdf]
  7. 1942 - Knox J. Marcion and The New Testament. An Essay in the Early History of the Canon [pdf]
  8. 1960 - van Unnik W.C. Newly Discovered Gnostic Writings. A preliminary survey of the Nag Hammadi find [pdf]
  9. 1962 - Wilson R.McL. The Gospel of Philip. Translated from the Coptic text, with an Introduction and Commentary [pdf]
  10. 1963 - Giversen S. Apocryphon Johannis. The Coptic text of the Apocryphon Johannis in the Nag Hammadi Codex II with Translation, Introduction and Commentary [Тексты] [pdf]
  11. 1970 - Colwell E.C. New or Old. The Christian Struggle with Change and Tradition [pdf]
  12. 1971 - Schmithals W. Gnosticism in Corinth. An Investigation of the Letters to the Corinthians [pdf]
  13. 1972 - Essays on the Nag Hammadi texts in honour of Alexander Böhlig [pdf]
  14. 1972 - Schmithals W. Paul and the Gnostics [pdf]
  15. 1975 - Nag Hammadi Codices III,2 and IV,2 [pdf]
  16. 1975 - Pagels E. The Gnostic Paul. Gnostic Exegesis of the Pauline Letters [pdf]
  17. 1975 - Turner J.D. The Book of Thomas the Contender, from Codex II of the Cairo Gnostic Library from Nag Hammadi (CG II, 7) [Тексты] [pdf]
  18. 1977 - Lacarriere J. The Gnostics [pdf] [txt]
  19. 1977 - Hedrick C.W. The Apocalypse of Adam. A Literary and Source Analysis [Тексты] [pdf]
  20. 1977 - Robinson J.M. The Nag Hammadi codices. A general introduction to the nature and significance of the Coptic Gnostic Library from Nag Hammadi [pdf]
  21. 1978 - Fallon F.T. The Enthronement of Sabaoth. Jewish Elements in Gnostic Creation Myths [pdf]
  22. 1978 - Pistis Sophia [djvu] [pdf]
  23. 1978 - Grant R.M. Gnosticism and Early Christianity [pdf]
  24. 1978 - The Books of Jeu and the Untitled Text in the Bruce Codex [djvu] [pdf]
  25. 1979 - MacGregor G. Gnosis. A Renaissance in Christian Thought [pdf]
  26. 1981 - Meyer M.W. The Letter of Peter to Philip [pdf]
  27. 1981 - Pagels E. The Gnostic Gospels [pdf]
  28. 1981 - Nag Hammadi codices. Greek and Coptic papyri from the cartonnage of the covers [pdf]
  29. 1981 - Nag Hammadi Codices IX and X [pdf]
  30. 1981 - Vallée G. A Study in anti-Gnostic polemics. Irenaeus, Hippolytus, and Epiphanius [pdf]
  31. 1982 - Thomassen E. The Tripartite Tractate from Nag Hammadi [Тексты] [pdf]
  32. 1983 - Walker B. Gnosticism. Its History and Influence [pdf]
  33. 1983 - Yamauchi E.M. Pre Christian Gnosticism. A Survey of the Proposed Evidences [pdf]
  34. 1983 - Neller K.V. The Gospel of Thomas and the Earliest Texts of the Synoptic Gospels [pdf]
  35. 1984 - Stroumsa G.G. Another Seed. Studies in Gnostic Mythology [pdf]
  36. 1984 - Nag Hammadi Codex III,5. The Dialogue of The Savior [pdf]
  37. 1984 - Hoffman R.J. Marcion. On the Restitution of Christianity [pdf]
  38. 1985 - Nag Hammadi Codex I (The Jung Codex). I. Introductions, Texts, Translations, Indices [Тексты] [pdf]
  39. 1985 - Nag Hammadi Codex I (The Jung Codex). II. Notes [pdf]
  40. 1985 - Williams M.A. The Immovable Race. A Gnostic Designation and the Theme of Stability in Late Antiquity [pdf]
  41. 1986 - Meyer M.W. The Secret Teachings of Jesus. Four Gnostic Gospels [Тексты] [epub] [pdf]
  42. 1987 - Rudolph K. Gnosis. The Nature and History of Gnosticism [pdf]
  43. 1989 - Nag Hammadi Codex II,2-7, together with XIII, 2 Brit. Lib. Or. 4926(1) and P. Oxy. 1, 654, 655. Volume I [Тексты] [pdf]
  44. 1989 - Nag Hammadi Codex II,2-7, together with XIII, 2 Brit. Lib. Or. 4926(1) and P. Oxy. 1, 654, 655. Volume II [Тексты] [pdf]
  45. 1989 - Pagels E. The Johannine Gospel in gnostic exegesis. Heracleon’s Commentary on John [pdf]
  46. 1990 - Desjardins M.R. Sin in Valentinianism [pdf]
  47. 1990 - Harnack A. Marcion. The Gospel of the Alien God [pdf]
  48. 1990 - Filoramo G. A History of Gnosticism [pdf]
  49. 1990 - Nag Hammadi Codices XI, XII, XIII [Тексты] [pdf]
  50. 1990 - The Nag Hammadi Library. The Definitive Translation of the Gnostic Scriptures Complete in One Volume [pdf]
  51. 1991 - Nag Hammadi Codex VIII [pdf]
  52. 1991 - Nag Hammadi Codices III,3-4 and V,1 with papyrys Berolinensis 8502,3 and Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 1081 [pdf]
  53. 1991 - Linder P.-A. The Apocalypse of Adam. Nag Hammadi Codex V,5 Considered from its Egyptian Background [Тексты] [pdf]
  54. 1992 - Singer J. A Gnostic Book of Hours. Keys to Inner Wisdom [pdf]
  55. 1992 - Couliano I.P. The Tree of Gnosis [pdf]
  56. 1993 - Magne J. From Christianity to Gnosis and From Gnosis to Christianity [pdf]
  57. 1993 - Pétrement S. A Separate God. The Christian Origins of Gnosticism [pdf]
  58. 1994 - McBride D.R. The Egyptian Foundations of Gnostic Thought [pdf]
  59. 1994 - Holroyd S. The Elements of Gnosticism [pdf]
  60. 1994 - Wink W. Cracking the Gnostic Code. The Powers in Gnosticism [pdf]
  61. 1995 - Waldstein M., Wisse F.W. The Apocryphon of John. Synopsis of Nag Hammadi Codices II,1; III,1; and IV, 1 with BG 8502,2 [pdf]
  62. 1996 - Williams M.A. Rethinking Gnosticism. An Argument for Dismantling a Dubious Category [pdf]
  63. 1996 - Franzmann M. Jesus in the Nag Hammadi Writings [pdf]
  64. 1996 - Marjanen A. The Woman Jesus Loved. Mary Magdalene in the Nag Hammadi Library and Related Documents [pdf]
  65. 1996 - DeConick A.D. Seek to See Him. Ascent and Vision Mysticism in The Gospel of Thomas [pdf]
  66. 1996 - Turner M.L. The Gospel According to Philip. The Sources and Coherence of an Early Christian Collection [pdf]
  67. 1997 - Churton T. The Gnostics [pdf]
  68. 1998 - Lüdemann G., Janssen M. Suppressed prayers. Gnostic Spirituality in Early Christianity [Тексты] [pdf]
  69. 1999 - The Coptic Apocalypse of Peter (Nag-Hammadi-Codex VII,3) [pdf]
  70. 1999 - Sinnige Th.G. Six Lectures on Plotinus and Gnosticism [pdf]
  71. 2000 - Dart J., Riegert R. The Gospel of Thomas. Unearthing the Lost Words of Jesus [Тексты] [pdf]
  72. 2000 - Images of the Feminine in Gnosticism [pdf]
  73. 2001 - Jonas H. The Gnostic Religion. The Message of the Alien God and the Beginnings of Christianity [pdf]
  74. 2001 - Turner J.D. Sethian Gnosticism and the Platonic Tradition [pdf]
  75. 2002 - Hoeller S.A. Gnosticism. New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing [pdf]
  76. 2003 - Chadwick H. The Sentences of Sextus [pdf]
  77. 2003 - King K.L. What is Gnosticism [pdf]
  78. 2003 - Thomas at the Crossroads. Essays on the Gospel of Thomas [pdf]
  79. 2003 - Leloup J.-Y. The Gospel of Philip. Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and The Gnosis of Sacred Union [pdf]
  80. 2003 - Uro R. Thomas. Seeking the Historical Context of the Gospel of Thomas [pdf]
  81. 2003 - King K.L. The Gospel of Mary of Magdala. Jesus and the first woman apostle [pdf]
  82. 2003 - Haar S. Simon Magus. The First Gnostic [pdf]
  83. 2004 - Pagels E. Beyond Belief. The Secret Gospel of Thomas [pdf]
  84. 2004 - de Boer E. The Gospel of Mary. Beyond a Gnostic and a biblical Mary Magdalene [pdf]
  85. 2005 - Pearson B.A. Gnosticism, Judaism, and Egyptian Christianity [pdf]
  86. 2005 - Thomassen E. The Spiritual Seed. The Church of the «Valentinians» [pdf]
  87. 2005 - Davies S. The Secret Book of John. The Gnostic Gospel [epub] [pdf]
  88. 2005 - Leloup J.-Y. The Gospel of Thomas. The Gnostic Wisdom of Jesus [pdf]
  89. 2005 - Nag Hammadi, Gnosticism, and Early Christianity [pdf]
  90. 2005 - Mastrocinque A. From Jewish Magic to Gnosticism [pdf]
  91. 2006 - Kasser R., Meyer M.W., Wurst G. The Gospel of Judas from Codex Tchacos [pdf]
  92. 2006 - DeConick A.D. The original Gospel of Thomas in translation [pdf]
  93. 2006 - Pleše Z. Poetics of the Gnostic Universe. Narrative and Cosmology in the Apocryphon of John [pdf]
  94. 2006 - Robinson J.M. The Secrets of Judas. The Story of the Misunderstood Disciple and His Lost Gospel [pdf]
  95. 2006 - Jacobs A. The Essential Gnostic Gospels [Тексты] [pdf]
  96. 2007 - Lester M. The Everything Gnostic Gospels Book. A Complete Guide to the Secret Gospels [epub] [pdf]
  97. 2007 - Tuckett C. The Gospel of Mary [pdf]
  98. 2007 - Kripal J.J. The Serpent's Gift. Gnostic Reflections on the Study of Religion [pdf]
  99. 2007 - Gathercole S. The Gospel of Judas [pdf]
  100. 2007 - Pearson B.A. Ancient Gnosticism. Traditions and Literature [pdf]
  101. 2007 - DeConick A.D. The Thirteenth Apostle. What the Gospel of Judas Really Says [Тексты] [pdf]
  102. 2007 - King K.L., Pagels E. Reading Judas. The Gospel of Judas and the Shaping of Christianity [pdf]
  103. 2008 - Quispel G. Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica. Collected Essays [pdf]
  104. 2008 - Dunderberg I.O. Beyond Gnosticism. Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus [pdf]
  105. 2008 - Welburn A.J. From a Virgin Womb. The Apocalypse of Adam and the Virgin Birth [pdf]
  106. 2009 - Martin S. The Gnostics [pdf]
  107. 2009 - King K.L. The Secret Revelation of John [pdf]
  108. 2009 - Tite P. Valentinian Ethics and Paraenetic Discourse [pdf]
  109. 2009 - Meyer M.W. The Gnostic Discoveries [epub] [pdf]
  110. 2009 - Moll S. At the Left Hand of Christ. The Arch-Heretic Marcion [pdf]
  111. 2009 - Rasimus T. Paradise Reconsidered in Gnostic Mythmaking [pdf]
  112. 2010 - Roberge M. The Paraphrase of Shem (NH VII,1) [pdf]
  113. 2010 - Lundhaug H. Images of Rebirth. Cognitive Poetics and Transformational Soteriology in the Gospel of Philip and the Exegesis on the Soul [pdf]
  114. 2010 - Brakke D. The Gnostics. Myth, Ritual, and Diversity in Early Christianity [pdf]
  115. 2010 - Hall M. The Wisdom of the Knowing Ones. Gnosticism, the Key to Esoteric Christianity [pdf]
  116. 2010 - Calaway J., Kotrosits M., Lasser J., Lillie C., Taussig H. The Thunder. Perfect Mind. A New Translation and Introduction [pdf]
  117. 2011 - Bethge H.-G., Patterson S.J., Robinson J.M. The Fifth Gospel. The Gospel of Thomas Comes of Age [pdf]
  118. 2011 - Barnstone W., Meyer M.W. Essential Gnostic Scriptures [Тексты] [epub] [pdf]
  119. 2012 - Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature. Ideas and Practices [pdf]
  120. 2012 - Goodacre M. Thomas and The Gospels. The Case for Thomas's Familiarity with the Synoptics [pdf]
  121. 2012 - Wilson W.T. The Sentences of Sextus [pdf]
  122. 2012 - Gathercole S. The Composition of the Gospel of Thomas. Original Language and Influences [pdf]
  123. 2012 - Meyer M.W. The Gospels of the Marginalized. The Redemption of Doubting Thomas, Mary Magdalene, and Judas Iscariot in Early Christian Literature [Тексты] [pdf]
  124. 2013 - Gnosticism, Platonism and the Late Ancient World [pdf]
  125. 2013 - Patterson S.J. The Gospel of Thomas and Christian Origins [pdf]
  126. 2013 - van den Broek R. Gnostic religion in antiquity [pdf]
  127. 2013 - Practicing Gnosis. Ritual, Magic, Theurgy and Liturgy in Nag Hammadi, Manichaean and Other Ancient Literature [pdf]
  128. 2013 - BeDuhn J.D. The First New Testament. Marcion's Scriptural Canon [pdf]
  129. 2013 - Lewis N.D. Cosmology and Fate in Gnosticism and Graeco-Roman Antiquity [pdf]
  130. 2013 - Pevarello D. The Sentences of Sextus and the Origins of Christian Ascetiscism [pdf]
  131. 2014 - Robinson J.M. The Nag Hammadi Story. From the Discovery to the Publication [pdf]
  132. 2014 - Burns D.M. Apocalypse of the Alien God. Platonism and the Exile of Sethian Gnosticism [pdf]
  133. 2014 - Gathercole S. The Gospel of Thomas. Introduction and Commentary [pdf]
  134. 2015 - Roth D.T. The Text of Marcion's Gospel [pdf]
  135. 2015 - Tervahauta U. A Story of the Soul’s Journey in the Nag Hammadi Library. A Study of Authentikos Logos (NHC VI,3) [Тексты] [pdf]
  136. 2015 - Koepke D. The Jesus of the Gospel of Thomas [Тексты] [pdf]
  137. 2015 - Evans E. The Books of Jeu and the Pistis Sophia as Handbooks to Eternity [pdf]
  138. 2015 - Halvgaard T.B. Linguistic Manifestations in the Trimorphic Protennoia and the Thunder, Perfect Mind [Тексты] [pdf]
  139. 2015 - Diem A. The Gnostic Mystery. A Connection Between Ancient and Modern Mysticism [pdf]
  140. 2015 - Lieu J.M. Marcion and the Making of a Heretic. God and Scripture in the Second Century [pdf]
  141. 2015 - The New Testament and Gnosis. Essays in honour of Robert McL. Wilson [pdf]
  142. 2015 - Dunderberg I.O. Gnostic Morality Revisited [pdf]
  143. 2017 - Die Nag-Hammadi-Schriften in der Literatur- und Theologiegeschichte des frühen Christentums [pdf]
  144. 2018 - Miroshnikov I. The Gospel of Thomas and Plato. A Study of the Impact of Platonism on the «Fifth Gospel» [pdf]
  145. 2018 - Dias Chaves J.C. Nag Hammadi Codex V and Late Antique Coptic Hagiographies. A Comparative Approach [pdf]
  146. 2019 - Linjamaa P. The Ethics of The Tripartite Tractate (NHC I,5). A Study of Determinism and Early Christian Philosophy of Ethics [pdf]
  147. 2020 - Thomassen E. The Coherence of «Gnosticism» [pdf]
  148. 2020 - Smith G.S. Valentinian Christianity. Texts and Translations [Тексты] [pdf]
  149. 2020 - Mazur A.J. The Platonizing Sethian Background of Plotinus’s Mysticism [pdf]
  150. 2020 - Berglund C.J. Origen’s References to Heracleon. A Quotation-Analytical Study of the Earliest Known Commentary on the Gospel of John [pdf]
  151. 2020 - Valentinianism. New Studies [pdf]
  152. 2021 - Piwowarczyk P. Lexicon of Spiritual Powers in the Nag Hammadi “Library” in the Light of the Texts of Ritual Power [pdf]
  153. 2021 - Brakke D., Layton B. The Gnostic Scriptures [Тексты] [pdf]
  154. 2021 - Robertson D.G. Gnosticism and the History of Religions [pdf]

Гнозис / + Не только о гнозисе

  1. Köstenberger A.J., Kruger M. The Heresy of Orthodoxy. How Contemporary Culture’s Fascination with Diversity Has Reshaped Our Understanding of Early Christianity [pdf]
  2. 1968 - Kelly J.N.D. Early Christian Doctrines [pdf]
  3. 1970 - Pollard T.E. Johannine Christology and the Early Church [pdf]
  4. 1973 - Pearson B.A. The pneumatikos-psychikos terminology in 1 Corinthians. A Study in the Theology of the Corinthian Opponents of Paul and its Relation to Gnosticism [pdf]
  5. 1975 - Gager J.G. Kingdom and Community. The Social World of Early Christianity [pdf]
  6. 1981 - Studies in Gnosticism and Hellenistic Religions presented to Gilles Quispel on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday [pdf]
  7. 1981 - Russell J.B. Satan. The Early Christian Tradition [pdf]
  8. 1984 - Nash R.H. Christianity and the Hellenistic World [pdf]
  9. 1986 - Grant R.M. Gods and the One God [pdf]
  10. 1987 - MacDonald D.R. There is no Male and Female. The Fate of a Dominical Saying in Paul and Gnosticism [pdf]
  11. 1988 - Marcovich M. Studies in Graeco-Roman Religions and Gnosticism [pdf]
  12. 1989 - Pagels E. Adam, Eve, and the Serpent. Sex and Politics in Early Christianity [pdf]
  13. 1990 - New Testament Apocrypha. Volume Two. Writings relating to the Apostles; Apocalypses and related Subjects [pdf]
  14. 1990 - New Testament Apocrypha. Volume One. Gospels and Related Writings [Тексты] [pdf]
  15. 1990 - Gospel Origins & Christian Beginnings. In Honor of James M. Robinson [pdf]
  16. 1991 - Valantasis R. Spiritual Guides of the Third Century. A Semiotic Study of the Guide-Disciple Relationship in Christianity, Neoplatonism, Hermetism, and Gnosticism [pdf]
  17. 1993 - Brodie T.L. The Quest for the Origin of John’s Gospel. A Source-Oriented Approach [pdf]
  18. 1993 - Fideler D. Jesus Christ, Sun of God. Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism [pdf]
  19. 1993 - Kalita D.K. Light Consciousness. Voices and Visions of the Poets and Prophet in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hammadi Library, and The Bible [pdf]
  20. 1994 - Ancient Christian Magic. Coptic Texts of Ritual Power [pdf]
  21. 1995 - Haskins S. Mary Magdalen. Myth and Metaphor [pdf]
  22. 1995 - Amis R. Different Christianity. Early Christian Esotericism and Modern Thought [pdf]
  23. 1996 - The Jewish Apocalyptic Heritage in Early Christianity [pdf]
  24. 1996 - Funk R.W., Hoover R.W. The Five Gospels. What Did Jesus Really Say. The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus [pdf]
  25. 1996 - Pagels E. The Origin of Satan [pdf]
  26. 1997 - The Roots of Egyptian Christianity [pdf]
  27. 1998 - Maccoby H. The Mythmaker. Paul and the Invention of Christianity [pdf]
  28. 2000 - Luttikhuizen G.P. The Creation of Man and Woman. Interpretations of the Biblical Narratives in Jewish and Christian Traditions [pdf]
  29. 2000 - Stoyanov Y. The Other God. Dualist Religions from Antiquity to the Cathar Heresy [pdf]
  30. 2000 - Gnosticism and Later Platonism. Themes, Figures, and Texts [pdf]
  31. 2001 - Jenkins Ph. Hidden Gospels. How the Search for Jesus Lost Its Way [pdf]
  32. 2001 - Jansen K.L. The Making of the Magdalen. Preaching and Popular Devotion in the Later Middle Ages [pdf]
  33. 2001 - DeConick A.D. Voices of the Mystics [pdf]
  34. 2002 - Matthews C.R. Philip. Apostle and Evangelist. Configurations of a Tradition [pdf]
  35. 2002 - Segal A.F. Two Powers in Heaven. Early Rabbinic Reports about Christianity and Gnosticism [pdf]
  36. 2002 - Blasi A.J., Duhaime J., Turcotte P.-A. Handbook of Early Christianity. Social Science Approaches [pdf]
  37. 2003 - Lampe P. From Paul to Valentinus. Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries [pdf]
  38. 2003 - Homer, the Bible, and Beyond. Literary and Religious Canons in the Ancient World [pdf]
  39. 2003 - Meyer M.W. Secret Gospels. Essays on Thomas and the Secret Gospel of Mark [pdf]
  40. 2004 - Hartin P.J. James of Jerusalem. Heir to Jesus of Nazareth [pdf]
  41. 2004 - Jensen A.S. John’s Gospel as Witness. The Development of the Early Christian Language of Faith [pdf]
  42. 2005 - Hurtado L.W. Lord Jesus Christ Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity [pdf]
  43. 2005 - Churton T. Gnostic Philosophy. From Ancient Persia to Modern Times [epub] [pdf]
  44. 2005 - A Companion to Second-Century Christian ‘Herecics’ [pdf]
  45. 2005 - Chilton B. Mary Magdalene. A Biography [pdf]
  46. 2005 - Novak P. Original Christianity. A New Key to Understanding the Gospel of Thomas and Other Lost Scriptures [epub] [pdf]
  47. 2005 - Stroumsa G.G. Hidden Wisdom. Esoteric Traditions and the Roots of Christian Mysticism [pdf]
  48. 2005 - Meyer M.W. The Unknown Sayings of Jesus. A treasury of aphorisms, parables, and teachings from early Christian, Jewish, and Islamic sources [pdf]
  49. 2005 - The Wisdom of Egypt. Jewish, Early Christian, and Gnostic Essays in Honour of Gerard P. Luttikhuizen [pdf]
  50. 2005 - Beattie G. Women and Marriage in Paul and his Early Interpreters [pdf]
  51. 2006 - Dunderberg I.O. The Beloved Disciple in conflict. Revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas [pdf]
  52. 2006 - Hill C.E. The Johannine Corpus in the Early Church [pdf]
  53. 2006 - Ehrman B.D. Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci Code [pdf]
  54. 2006 - Robinson J.M. The Gospel of Jesus. A Historical Search for the Original Good News [pdf]
  55. 2006 - Ehrman B.D. The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot. A New Look at Betrayer and Betrayed [pdf]
  56. 2006 - Paradise Now. Essays on Early Jewish and Christian Mysticism [pdf]
  57. 2007 - Most G.W. Doubting Thomas [pdf]
  58. 2007 - Meyer M.W. Judas. The Definitive Collection of Gospels and Legends about the Infamous Apostle of Jesus [pdf]
  59. 2007 - Frassetto M. Heretic Lives. Medieval Heresy from Bogomil and the Cathars to Wyclif and Hus [pdf]
  60. 2008 - The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature [pdf]
  61. 2008 - González J.L., González C.G. Heretics for Armchair Theologians [pdf]
  62. 2008 - Ehrman B.D. Peter, Paul and Mary Magdalene. The Followers of Jesus in History and Legend [pdf]
  63. 2008 - Smith-Christopher D.L., Spignesi S. Lost Books of the Bible For Dummies [pdf]
  64. 2009 - Ehrman B.D. Jesus, Interrupted. Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible And Why We Don't Know About Them [pdf]
  65. 2009 - Foster P. The Apocryphal Gospels. A Very Short Introduction [pdf]
  66. 2009 - The Legacy of John. Second-Century Reception of the Fourth Gospel [pdf]
  67. 2009 - The World of Early Egyptian Christianity. Language, Literature, and Social Context [pdf]
  68. 2010 - Plato's Parmenides and Its Heritage. Volume 2 [pdf]
  69. 2010 - Roukema R. Jesus, Gnosis and Dogma [pdf]
  70. 2010 - Plato's Parmenides and Its Heritage. Volume 1 [pdf]
  71. 2011 - Vogt Turner L.E. Mary Magdalene. Her Image and Relationship to Jesus [pdf]
  72. 2011 - Method and Meaning. Essays on New Testament Interpretation in Honor of Harold W. Attridge [pdf]
  73. 2011 - Narbonne J.-M. Plotinus in Dialogue with the Gnostics [pdf]
  74. 2011 - DeConick A.D. Holy Misogyny. Why the Sex and Gender Conflicts in the Early Church [pdf]
  75. 2011 - Dunning B.H. Specters of Paul. Sexual Difference in Early Christian Thought [pdf]
  76. 2011 - Ehrman B.D. The New Testament. A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings [pdf]
  77. 2011 - Ehrman B.D., Pleše Z. Tha Apocryphal Gospels. Texts and Translations [mobi] [pdf]
  78. 2011 - Smith J.A. Music in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity [pdf]
  79. 2012 - Pagels E. Revelations. Visions, Prophecy, and Politics in the Book of Revelation [mobi] [pdf]
  80. 2012 - Lüdemann G. Jesus after 2000 Years [pdf]
  81. 2012 - Patterson P.A. Visions of Christ. The Anthropomorphite Controversy of 399 CE [pdf]
  82. 2013 - Simuț C.C. God and Man in History. The influence of Jacob Böhme and G.W.F. Hedel on Ferdinand Christian Baur’s Philosophical Understanding of Religion as Gnosis [pdf]
  83. 2013 - Smith G.S. Guilt by Association. The Emergence, Use, and Legacy of the Early Christian Heresy Catalogue [pdf]
  84. 2014 - Walsh R.G. Three Versions of Judas [pdf]
  85. 2014 - Ehrman B.D., Pleše Z. The Other Gospels. Accounts of Jesus From Outside the New Testament [pdf]
  86. 2014 - Smith G.S. Guilt by Association. Heresy Catalogues in Early Christianity [pdf]
  87. 2014 - Borgen P. The Gospel of John. More Light from Philo, Paul and Archaeology. The Scriptures, Tradition, Exposition, Settings, Meaning [pdf]
  88. 2014 - Rainbow P.A. Johannine theology. The Gospel, the Epistles and the Apocalypse [pdf]
  89. 2014 - Histories of the Hidden God. Concealment and Revelation in Western Gnostic, Esoteric, and Mystical Traditions [pdf]
  90. 2014 - The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Christianity [epub] [pdf]
  91. 2014 - Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation [pdf]
  92. 2014 - Segal R.A. The Poimandres as Myth. Scholarly Theory and Gnostic Meaning [pdf]
  93. 2015 - The Oxford Handbook of Christology [pdf]
  94. 2015 - Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christian Contexts. Reconsidering the Bauer Thesis [pdf]
  95. 2015 - von Wahlde U.C. Gnosticism, Docetism, and the Judaisms of the First Century [pdf]
  96. 2015 - Jenkins Ph. The Many Faces of Christ. The Thousand-Year Story of the Survival and Influence of the Lost Gospels [epub] [pdf]
  97. 2015 - Wilkinson R.J. Tetragrammaton. Western Christians and the Hebrew Name of God. From the Beginnings to the Seventeenth Century [pdf]
  98. 2015 - Simuț C.C. F.C. Baur’s Synthesis of Böhme and Hegel. Redefining Christian Theology as a Gnostic Philosophy of Religion [pdf]
  99. 2015 - Greenbaum D.G. The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology. Origins and Influence [pdf]
  100. 2015 - Markschies C. Christian Theology and Its Institutions in the Early Roman Empire. Prolegomena to a History of Early Christian Theology [pdf]
  101. 2015 - The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Apocrypha [epub] [pdf]
  102. 2016 - Petrey T.G. Resurrecting parts. Early Christians on desire, reproduction, and sexual difference [pdf]
  103. 2016 - Edwards M. Christians, Gnostics and Philosophers in Late Antiquity [pdf]
  104. 2016 - Gilman I., Klimkeit H.-J. Christians in Asia before 1500 [pdf]
  105. 2016 - Marx-Wolf H. Spiritual Taxonomies and Ritual Authority. Platonists, Priests, and Gnostics in the Third Century C.E. [pdf]
  106. 2016 - Bates M.W. The Birth of the Trinity. Jesus, God, and Spirit in New Testament and Early Christian Interpretations of the Old Testament [pdf]
  107. 2017 - Penniman J.D. Raised on Christian Milk. Food and the Formation of the Soul in Early Christianity [pdf]
  108. 2017 - Rankin D. The Early Church and the Afterlife. Post-death existence in Athenagoras, Tertullian, Origen and the Letter to Rheginos [pdf]
  109. 2017 - The Eucharist — Its Origins and Contexts. Sacred Meal, Communal Meal, Table Fellowship in Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity [pdf]
  110. 2017 - Pachoumi E. The Concepts of the Divine in the Greek Magical Papyri [pdf]
  111. 2017 - Women and Knowledge in Early Christianity [pdf]
  112. 2017 - The Early Christian World [pdf]
  113. 2018 - Rewriting and Reception in and of the Bible [pdf]
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Гнозис / + Гнозис негностиков

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Гнозис / + Клюква

  1. 2015 - Churton T. Gnostic Mysteries of Sex. Sophia the Wild One and Erotic Christianity [pdf]

Гнозис / Журналы, конференции

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Манихейство / Книги

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  4. 1996 - Reeves J.C. Heralds of that good realm. Syro-Mesopotamian gnosis and Jewish traditions [pdf]
  5. 1998 - Lieu S.N.C. Manichaeism in Central Asia and China [pdf]
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  7. 2000 - BeDuhn J.D. The Manichaean Body. In Discipline and Ritual [pdf]
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  24. 2011 - Reeves J.C. Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism [pdf]
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  27. 2014 - BeDuhn J.D., Dilley P.C., Gardner I. Mani at the Court of the Persian Kings. Studies on the Chester Beatty Kephalaia Codex [pdf]
  28. 2015 - Mani in Dublin [pdf]
  29. 2016 - Gulácsi Z. Mani's Pictures [pdf]
  30. 2017 - Lai K. Not to Hide a Light Under a Bushel. Manichaean Missionary Practices in the Roman West [pdf]
  31. 2017 - Zur lichten Heimat. Studien zu Manichäismus, Iranistik und Zentralasienkunde im Gedenken an Werner Sundermann [pdf]
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  34. 2021 - Teigen H.F. A Manichaean Church at Kellis [pdf]
  35. 2022 - Brand M. Religion and the Everyday Life of Manichaeans in Kellis [pdf]

Манихейство / Статьи

  1. 2009 - Торланбаева К.У. Манихейство на территории средневекового Тараза [pdf]

Павликиане / Книги

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Богомилы / Книги

  1. 1879 - Brockett L.P. The Bogomils of Bulgaria and Bosnia [pdf]
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  3. 1987 - Angelov D. The Bogomil Movement [pdf]
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Катары / Книги

  1. 1980 - Peters E. Heresy and authority in medieval Europe. Documents in translation [pdf]
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Прочее / Библиографии

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Коптский язык / Учебники

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Коптский язык / Словари

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  5. 2013 - Azevedo J. A Simplified Coptic Dictionary. Sahidic Dialect [pdf]

Тексты / Тексты

  1. 1988 - Shisha-Halevy A. Coptic Grammatical Chrestomathy. A Course for Academic and Private Study [pdf]
  2. 2004 - Layton B. Coptic Gnostic Chrestomathy. A Selection of Coptic Texts with Grammatical Analysis and Glossary [pdf]